My Morning Motivation is an app that is built around starting the day with positive thinking and self love. It is a more focused and condensed version of Pocket Affirmations 2, looking exclusively at affirmations that give the most benefit at the start of the day. As with pocket affirmations 2, users can create their own quotes and library. Featuring hundreds of positive, happy, self esteem building and empowering quotes, take steps to build up a healthy morning ritual that will leave you energized for the rest of the day.
My Morning Motivation是一款以积极思考和自我爱为开端的应用程序。它是Pocket Affirmations 2的一个更集中和更精简的版本,专门针对在一天开始时提供最大利益的肯定。与口袋肯定2一样,用户可以创建自己的报价和库。拥有数百个积极,快乐,自尊的建筑和赋予权力的报价,采取措施建立一个健康的早晨仪式,让您在一天的剩余时间里充满活力。